Nueva Revista

Lecturas recomendadas para la educación del carácter en la universidad

Ponentes de las jornadas

Ponentes de las jornadas

Edward Brooks, Flynn Cratty, Brendan Case, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó y José María Torralba han sido los ponentes en las jornadas sobre la Educación del carácter en la universidad, celebradas en Madrid el 30 de septiembre y 1 de octubre de 2021, y organizadas por UNIR y por el ICS (Instituto Cultura y Sociedad) de la Universidad de Navarra.

Señalamos a continuación la bibliografía que utilizaron o recomendaron en sus conferencias:

José María Torralba

Carr, D., “Moral values and the teacher: beyond the paternal and permissive”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 27, Nr. 2, Ed. Richard Smith, Oxford, 1993, pp. 193-207.

Kiss, E., Peter Euben, J., Debating moral education. Rethinking the role of modern university, Duke University Press, Durham, 2010.

Flynn Cratty

Salmo I.

Séneca, Selected Letters, Carta Nr. 88, traducido por Elain Fantham, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.

VanderWeele, Tyler J., “On the promotion of Human Flourishing” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, Nr. 31, editado por Kenneth W. Wachter, Universidad de California, Berkeley, 2017, pp. 8148-56.

Edward Brooks

Bok, D., Higher expectations, Can colleges teach students what they need to know in th 21st century?, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2020.

Brant, J., Brooks, E., Lamb, M., “How can universities cultivate Leaders of Character? Insights from a leadership and character development program at the University of Oxford”, International Journal of Ethics Education, Springer-Verlag, Suiza, 2019, pp. 167-192.

Brant, J., Brooks, E., Lamb, M., “Cultivating virtue in postgraduates: an empirical study of the Oxford Leadership Iniciative”, Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 49, Nr. 4, Taylor & Francis, Londres, 2019, pp. 415-435.

Brooks, E., Lamb, M., Brant, J., “Should universities cultivate virtue? A case for character in higher education”, Cultivating virtue in the university, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021 (de próxima aparición).

Keohane, O. Nannel, Thinking about leadership, Princeton University Press, Nueva Jersey, 2012.

Lamb, M., Brant, J., Broks, E., “How is virtue cultivated?, Seven strategies for postgraduate Character development”, Journal of Character Education, 17, Nr. 1, University of Saint Louis, Missouri, 2021, pp. 81-108.

Lewis M., “Occupational Hazards of working on Wall Street”, Bloomberg.

Miller, C., The Character Gap: How good are we?, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018.

Zagzebski, Linda, mención sobre su trabajo en la conferencia, sin hacer referencia a una obra concreta.

Emma Cohen de Lara

Edward Brooks, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz, José Maria Torralba (editores), Literature and Character Education in Universities. Theory, method and text analysis, Routledge, Taylor& Francis Ltd, Londres, 2021.

Álvaro Lleó

Lleó, A., Ruiz Pérez, F., Agholor, D., Tu&Co. Mentoring universitario, Eunsa, Navarra, 2020.

Brendan Case

Agustín de Hipona, Ciudad de Dios y Diez homilías sobre la primera epístola de Juan.

Bentham, J., Introducción a los principios de moral y legislación, 1789.

Colosenses 2:3.

1 Corintios 8:1-3.

Chen, Y., Kim, E., Vanderweele, T., “Religious-service attendance and subsequent health and well-being throughout adulthood: evidence from three prospective cohorts”, International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 49, Nr. 6, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, p. 2031.

Dickens, C., Tiempos difíciles, 1854.

Fermor Lee, P., A time of Gifts, 1977.

Henrick, J., The secret of our success, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 2017.

Henrich, J., On cultural evolution, weird societies, and more.

Moss Stanley, W., Ill met by moonlight. The abduction of general Kreipe.

Newman, J. H.La fe y la razón. Sermones universitarios, 1826-1843.

Newman, J. H., The Tamworth Reading Room, 1841.

Newman, J. H., Discourses on the scope and nature of university education. Adressed to the catholics of Dublin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1852.

Newman, J. H.,The idea of a University, 1852.

Volf, M., Why do we need reiligion in a Globalized world?, Yale University Press, Connecticut, 2016. 

Otros recursos en la web:

The Human Flourishing Program
Research | The Human Flourishing Program
The Oxford Character Project

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